Shakespeare asked, “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” You’ve got to hand it to the wise old bard; he knew the substance of a thing can’t be changed by a label.
For example, the best BMW “dealership” in Dallas isn’t always a dealership. Let us explain.
The best dealership in Dallas would be the one that offers hassle-free maintenance on your warrantied BMW. Then, after the vehicle warranty is expired, the best deal would be finding a repair shop that repaired your luxury car – whether BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Saab, Mini, Volvo or Volkswagen – for a fair price.
Either way, the best place to take your import for service may not be a dealership at all. The best BMW shop in Dallas may be a specialized independent repair shop, one that knows its cars, BMWs included.
At Southwest Auto, our trained and certified technicians use car-specific diagnostic equipment to service the most intricately assembled, computer-enhanced vehicles. Substantially, the best shop for auto repair in Dallas isn’t a franchised dealership at all. It’s a specialized, independent repair shop.
Of course, this is what you’d expect Southwest Auto to say. But keep in mind that we began 26 years ago as a family-owned Dallas car repair shop that has grown into our current 15,000 square-foot facility. Our success comes from our customer base. They are loyal customers who want their cars serviced efficiently, on time and right the first time.
The real estate website did a survey of Texas cities— following a census report that said Dallas was one of the 10 fastest-growing cities in the country in 2011-12. found that Dallas residents, on average, like driving luxury cars.
It’s true we see a lot of high-end vehicles driving around Dallas, and we know those car owners want good service, the best value and convenience. When they are looking for the best dealership in Dallas, they might find the best is really a specialized, independent repair shop, because that’s the substance of the matter — the best value and convenience from import car repair experts.
The post What’s In A Name: Seeking The Best BMW Dealership In Dallas appeared first on Southwest Auto.
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